
With his brand, BEairware, Robert Richter assists SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in the aviation industry in implementing and complying with EASA Airworthiness Regulations. This results in a significant bureaucratic effort for his clients. Together with him, we have developed a SaaS application that, on one hand, digitizes part of his consulting services and, on the other hand, makes it easy for his clients to fulfill their legal reporting obligations.

Beairware Dash


The Challenge

Due to new EU laws, all businesses in the aviation industry are obligated to document any safety-relevant incidents, assess them, and if necessary, implement measures for resolution and prevention. Companies must appoint a Safety Manager to coordinate all cases. Regardless of this, every employee should have the opportunity to document incidents quickly and easily.

Beairware Staff

The Solution

We developed a Progressive Web App with the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) mindset that can be used comfortably by Safety Managers on the desktop as well as by all employees on their mobile phones. Employees have the ability to document incidents directly with their smartphone, including photos, with just a few clicks. The Safety Manager has a clear overview of all incidents on the desktop and a simple, multi-level system that helps him assess incidents, initiate measures, and log their implementation. Our client also received a user-friendly admin environment through which he can manage and monitor his clients, their licenses, and incidents.

Beairware Safety